Monday, March 12, 2007

Rumor - has bin Laden died?

I have no reason the believe that this story is reliable or it is not, but some journal called "The First Post" out of the UK claims that bin Laden recently died of thypoid in a hospital in Pakistan.

The story is written by someone calling himself "Robert Fox". A quick Google Search revealed that there is a well-known journalist and broadcaster of that name who is defence correspondent for the Evening Standard as well as a senior associate fellow at the Centre for Defence Studies in King's College, London.

Here is what "the First Post" says about itself.

Read the article. See what you think. If you find any independent support for the death of bin Laden, leave me a comment or send me an email with your source and what they said. This is not yet news. It amounts to a suspicion, placed in type, without known sources.

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