Sunday, March 25, 2007

Reid: Rove must testify under oath.

Sen. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, speaking to Al Hunt at Bloomberg. expects that White House officials will testify as a result of a compromise. Some will be permitted to testify in private without sworn testimony, but NOT Karl Rove. Karl Rove must be under oath.
``Certainly, Karl Rove, with his resume, would have to be under oath,'' Reid, 67, said in an interview with Bloomberg TV's ``Political Capital with Al Hunt,'' scheduled to air this weekend. ``He simply in my opinion, and I think the majority of the American people, is not trustworthy.''[Snip]

Reid stressed that he thinks a compromise is possible, and that not all officials need to give sworn statements. ``Well, I think that there could be some testimony taken in private'' and ``would be recorded,'' Reid said. ``We could do that.'' [Snip]

Reid in the interview said he didn't know if the White House is engaged in obstructing justice, though he said the matter is emerging as one of the Bush administration's most troubling ``scandals.''

``This is a scandal and the American people are interested in the truth, and that's always a little hard to come by, especially when you have Karl Rove involved in the scenario,'' Reid said.

Reid has repeatedly questioned Rove's integrity because he was embroiled in the recent federal investigation of the leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity. Former vice presidential aide I. Lewis Libby was convicted March 6 of lying to investigators in the only criminal case sparked by the leak, and Rove made five grand jury appearances in the case.
I like Sen. Reid. We get a lot of honesty from him, openly expressed to the public. The comparison between Reid and the Bush Administration and the Republican Senators and Representatives is a real breathe of fresh air.

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