Saturday, March 24, 2007

ABC News Poll explains why Bush gets nothing done.

The latest ABC News Poll shows what the public think of Bush. It's not good.
Feb. 26, 2007 — A record number of Americans disapprove of the war in Iraq, and a clear majority now favors the eventual withdrawal of U.S. forces, even if civil order has not been restored there — potentially a tipping point in public attitudes on the war.

While solutions remain vexing, for the first time ABC News/Washington Post polls show a narrow majority of Americans support setting a deadline for the withdrawal of U.S. forces. Two-thirds oppose George W. Bush's troop surge; most oppose it strongly. [Snip]

While rooted in Iraq, Bush's problems with credibility and confidence reach beyond it. Sixty-three percent of Americans don't trust the administration to convey intelligence reports on potential threats from other countries honestly and accurately. And 58 percent lack confidence, specifically, in its ability to handle current tensions with Iran.
This means that Bush has lost the American Voters' confidence in the one thing he can legally do without much help from Congress - foreign Affairs.

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