Friday, March 23, 2007

Daryll Issa was a key in removing Carol Lam

Emptywheel at The Next Hurrah goes back into the details of what caused the removal of Carol Lam, US attorney at San Diego and the prosecutor of Issa's compadre, Ex-Rep. and now Felon Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

It looks like the California Republican Representatives were really afraid of Carol Lam, especially when the investigation expanded to Rep. Jerry Lewis.

Daryl Issa received an anonymous report from someone in DHS back in 2005.
"Issa, after having sat on the report for at least six months, suddenly saw fit to publish it--and do a media campaign around it--just a week or so after Lam's investigation of Cunningham expanded to include Jerry Lewis and Dusty Foggo. What a remarkable coincidence, huh?
But I wonder if there isn't another coincidence here. Issa received this document back in fall 2005, right? I wonder if it was anytime around the time that a bunch of Republican Congressmen from California wrote a letter complaining about Lam's immigration prosecution policies. I ask that question, you see, because a whole bunch of those who signed that letter are among those who were targets of what would be--or might have been--Lam's expanded investigation. The signers include:
  • Duke Cunningham
  • Jerry Lewis
  • Richard Pombo
  • John Doolittle
  • Duncan Hunter
  • Bill Thomas

A nice bunch, those CA Republicans.

I just thought the coincidence of timing worth mentioning."

A few more revelations like this and we will know why the White House was willing to do something as strange and inflamatory as firing the gaggle of US attorneys.

The answer begins to look like it was a case of desperation. They feel the noose closing in on them.

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