Friday, March 09, 2007

Very interesting. What interests the DoJ?

Since I posted my ruminations on The Purge of the US Attorneys I have had three hits from the Department of Justice.

If I get either a subpoena or a visit from the FBI I'll know why. Otherwise, I'll just have to keep wondering.

Perhaps I should study the psychology of paranoia as well as Altemeyer's Right-Wing Authoritarians and Social Dominators. As he writes, "Many scattered impressions about the enemies of freedom and equality become solidified by science and coherently connected here." It is so far only available on-line here in adobe format. I had to print it out. Nearly 300 pages - but easily read in spite of the fact that it carries some really useful ideas.

Oh, and if you haven't read it yet, get:
Conservatives Without Conscience
Conservatives Without Conscience

John Dean discusses Bob Altemeyer's research as well as a lot of other research into Authoritarians. Or modern American Conservatives. Same thing.

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