Thursday, August 18, 2005

Republicans see Iraq War as "worrisome" in 2006

Over at The Emerging Democratic Majority there is a set of quotes from prominent Republican politicians that indicate they really want Bush's War in Iraq to go away before the November 2006 election.

Put this together with the problems the Army is having because of pending third tours and the increasing likelihood that the Iraqis will not be able to negotiate an acceptable constition that maintains a single Iraqi state, and we are well on track to do the old "Declare victory and bug out" routine by next Summer.

Two years from now there will be nothing positive remaining from the American adventure in Iraq.

This is from Reuters about a statement from Republican Chuck Hagel.
Hagel, a Vietnam veteran, acknowledged the U.S. military presence was becoming harder and harder to justify. He believes Iraq faces a serious danger of civil war that would threaten Middle East stability, and said there is little Washington can do to avert this.

"We are seen as occupiers, we are targets. We have got to get out. I don't think we can sustain our current policy, nor do I think we should," he said at one stop.
Rats. Sinking ships. Republicans.

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