Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Back to Randy "Duke" Cunningham

When last we addressed the saga of the Republican Congressman from the California 50th Congressional District, he had just announced that he was not going to run for reelection in 2006. The earlier stories are linked thourgh that post. That was June 14th, and the story seemed to be over.

Oh, no. The story is growing larger. The people bribing "Duke" were siphoining money from the federal government hand over fist. Surely you didn't think they just liked "Dule" and wanted to give money to a well-publicized former naval aviator, did you?

Of course not. These are Republicans. When they pay big bucks, they are buying something. So what were they buying? Let's go back and revisit Josh Marshall as he has slogged his way through the stories of the graft that have come out in the last month.
This looks like a really big Defense Contracting scandal. Cunningham may be somewhere in the middle, but it is a lot more than just him.

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