Sunday, August 14, 2005

Conservative chickenhawks need a new groups to blame for Iraq failure

Digby presents the new group the chickenhawks have begun to blame for he failure in Iraq. Veterans and the military. It's all their fault that the war hasn't been won.
I've been thinking for a while that we might be seeing the beginning of a new trend in American politics --- the anti-military right. Rush is calling marines "pukes," veterans are being called cowards and fakers, disabled vets are mocked for not having the right wounds or getting them in the right way, GOP hags are wearing cute little "purple heart" bandaids on their cheeks. People are selling busts of the president using his lack of combat experience as a selling point saying outright that physical courage is no longer particularly worthy of conservative approbation. Being a veteran buys you no credibility and no respect in today's Real Murika.

This is how they transform Chickenhawkery into a badge of courage.

I suspect that what we are hearing (aside from the self-loathing fidgeting of those who loudly beat wardrums yet are too selfish to serve) is the distant rumblings of a massive rightwing frustration with the military's inability to just "win" this damned thing so we can move on to our next country. It was supposed to be a cakewalk.
Seems reasonable. Republican stalwarts like Rush Limbaugh who ducked the military begin to blame the military for failing to win the idiotic war he still supports. The problem isn't the incompetence of Republican and Bush management. It's the failure of the troops to win a war that the chickenhawks knew would be a cakewalk. And how did they know that? Why that stalwart NeoCon and Iranian agent Iraqi patriot Ahmed Chalabi told them so.

What do you expect from the chickenhawks? Gratitude? They don't have the guts to go to Iraq themselves and have no respect for those who do go. It is a chess game to them. Move the pieces, and to hell with the pieces who get taken.

Expect to see the chickenhawks doing more to blame the military and the veterans as they cut veterans' benefits so that wealthy Republicans can get bigger tax cuts.

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