Monday, August 29, 2005

Jesus supports progressive taxation


Joe Devney: “You asked, ‘Do you think Jesus would have favored a flat tax?’ I think the beginning of chapter 21 of the gospel of Luke makes it clear that he would not. Jesus is in the temple at Jerusalem. ‘He glanced up and saw the rich putting their offerings into the treasury, and also a poor widow putting in two copper coins. At that he said, ‘I assure you, this poor widow has put in more than all the rest.’” The temple at Jerusalem may or may not be analogous to a modern government, but the point that giving should be proportional to wealth is unmistakable.

Craig Gawel: “Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple, He didn't give them tax cuts. The story of Jesus is one of compassion for the poor and troubled.”
Nuff said.

From Andrew Tobias on 08/29/2005.

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