Sunday, July 03, 2005

USA Today founder says Bush lied about Iraq

USA Today founder Al Neuharth stated his Friday column:

"I'm convinced the best way to support our troops in Iraq is to bring them home. Sooner rather than later."

Editor and Publisher added:

"Neuharth, a Bronze Star winner in World War II, declared. He also compared President Bush to President Lyndon B. Johnson, saying that both presidents lied to us in wartime."
Consider what Neuharth said along with the report by Col. Sam Gardiner who lists 50 of the fake media stories the Bush administration planted to shift attitudes towards going to war in Iraq, and my earlier article on Downing Street Memos in which I describe The Big Lie as handed to us by the Bush administration.

Fellow Americans, we have been 'had' by the lying Republican Bush administration. More and more people are stepping forward and exposing different elements of the lies we were told.

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