Tuesday, July 26, 2005

More indication Bush screwed up invading Iraq

The following is from Abu Aardvark by way of Kevin Drum.

Al-Arabiya reports, based on a story in the Iraqi newspaper al-Sabah, that the permanent Iraqi constitution will declare Islam the official religion of Iraq and the fundamental source [al-masdar al-issasi] of legislation. That seems stronger than the latest version I had heard, which would have had it "a source", not "the fundamental source".

Al-Hayat reports that the draft constitution will not allow Jews of Iraqi origin to reclaim their citizenship, contrary to a widespread rumour dating back to the TAL.

Elaph and al-Hayat both report the Iraqi Defense Minister lashing out against Kuwait, warning it against "unwise actions" along the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border. Iraqi-Kuwaiti border disputes! Is this 1990?

Because of Bush's voluntary war, a relatively modern and secular government run by Baathists (albeit a really nasty dictatorship) is being replaced by a Shia fundamentalist theocracy.

Positive from the Bush War - Saddam is gone.

Negative results of war -

  • Theocracy being installed in Iraq
  • Iranian Mulluhs taking a strong position together with Iraqi mullahs in government.
  • over 1700 American servicemen dead in Iraq.
  • U.S. Army Reserve, Army National Guard and Marine Corps Reserve effectively destroyed for a decade. Active Army and Marine Corps have had no training for over two years.
  • Iraq has been turned into a training center and recruiting tool for al Qaeda much as Afghanistan was during the Soviet invasion.
  • Iraqi economy and society have been destroyed. Rebuilding has been minimal. [Granted, it hadn't been much under the last decade of Saddam. But it is worse now.]
  • Status of women under the Theocracy will be much worse than it was under the Baathists.
  • Jews (who have lived in Iraq since before the days of Christ) will not be allowed to return to Iraq and regain their citizenship.
  • Iraqis are again threatening Kuwait. and we thought Bush I had solved THAT problem with the Persian Gulf War!

Yep. Bush and the Republicans have a lot to be proud of . They have unnecessarily destroyed a relatively modern Arab nation and left a medieval theocracy in its place. I wonder what form of economy they will have? It sure won't be a laissez faire free market economy.

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