Thursday, July 14, 2005

Why was Wilson chosen by the CIA in the Niger uranium question?

This is what Sidney blumenthal (Daypass required) says:
"It was unsurprising that the CIA would seek out Wilson. He had already performed one secret mission to Niger for the agency, in 1999, and was trusted. Wilson had also had a distinguished and storied career as a Foreign Service officer. He served as acting ambassador in Iraq during the Gulf War and was hailed by the first President Bush as a "hero." Wilson was an important part of the team and highly regarded by Secretary of State James Baker and National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft. Wilson was also an Africa specialist. He had been a diplomat in Niger, ambassador to Gabon and senior director for Africa on the National Security Council during the Clinton administration. (I first encountered Wilson then, and we have since become friends.) No other professional had such an ideal background for this CIA mission."
With a resume like this, Wilson was the obvious choice.

It was only after the White House ignored what Wilson knew to be true in order to forward its Big Lie efforts to invade Iraq that he came out to tell what he knew about the so-called uranium yellow-cake in Niger.

Remember that. This is the manner in which G. W. Bush has brought "honor and dignity to the White House." All of the right-wing "slime and defend" operations that are filling our media today are based on one thing. The Republicans do not what the public to know the truth behind the many lies told by Bush, Cheney, Rove and the Republican hierarchy. The tobacco company executives testifying before the Senate were more honest than these people are.

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