Saturday, July 23, 2005

Was 9/11 a conspiracy by the Bush administration?

Did G. W. Bush and his henchmen instigate 9/11?

Ridiculous question, right? Fodder for tin-foil hat level conspiracy theorists.

Why? In most cases such a conspiracy theory is rejected because the so-called conspirators are too sensible to do anything that extreme just to forward their cause. Can we make that assumption in the case of the White House? Cynthis McKinney doen't think so.

It is clear that the least informed two peopel inthe Bush White House are G. W. Bush and Scott McClellan. Why? Because they both require "plausible deniability" for the many things other in the administration are doing. That way neither Bush nor McClellan can legally be accused of lying when something illegal occurs.

This is a recipe for some free-lancer to go off and pull off something like 9/11. Let's assume that it was supposed to be a relatively minor terrorist attack, similar to 7/7 in London, but that Osama bin Laden jacked it up or got especially lucky when he pulled it off.

So what? It did what G. W. Bush wanted. It gave him the excuse to invade Iraq.

Do I really think that the Bush administration organized 9/11? That is tinfoil hat stuff for most people, but the three key decision-makers in the White House are Karl Rove (a person who is known to be willing to do anything to accomplish what he wants - he has no limits.) Dick Cheney (a person who wanted Saddam out and had no hesitation to do anythiing to accomplishe it) and George W. Bush (who makes decisions based on intuition, gets little of his information from reading, and depends on the input from trusted subordinates without question.)

If someone like Scooter Libby decided to set something like 9/11 into action, or decided to not prevent it, and then kept that information to himself to provide plausible deniability to the primciples in the White House, then Cynthia McKinney could easily be correct.

With this gang in the White House, I find no good reason to give then the benefit of any doubt. There is an outside chance it could be true. We only give reasonable people the benefit of the doubt in cases like thes. The Bush administration does not get such passes. They need to be investigated.

I don't trust a single one of them. It is sufficiently reasonable considering their attutudes and histories that I will not relegate Cynthia McKinney to the tinfoil hat brigade.

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