Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Republican nominee for President will be Mitt Romney

We now know that Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee for President Why? See Kevin Drum.

Kevin explains clearly why the nominee cannot be John McCain. Fred Thompson peaked when he announced his (long anticipated) run for the nomination. Rudy Giuliani has collapsed, and his fantasy of a win in Florida is unsustainable. Mike Huckabee? No chance he will get any support outside the Evangelical Republicans (Thank God!!) And Ron Paul? He, too has his loyal supporters, and everyone else (according to the polls) has good sense. Newt Gingrich realistically recognized that he has no chance. That leaves Mitt Romney and Bart Simpson, and Bart won't be age 35 by January 2009.

So - the answer is Mitt Romney. The question is "Who will be the Republican sacrificial lamb Presidential nominee for President in 2008.

Any questions?

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