Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The conservative opposition to government planning

The conservative opposition to government planning has long puzzled me. Everyone knows that if you want to take a nation to a better place then you build a vision of that better place, put plan for the resources needed and get them to where they have to be when they have to be there, and keep track of how the plan is progressing. Everyone know that except the conservatives, who have fought a thirty year battle to stop all government planning. For the most part they have succeeded.

But why?

It turns out to be that vision thing that starts the process out. The conservatives have a vision that most Americans don't want. The government was conducting the planning for most Americans, not for the wealthy or the evangelicals. Those conservatives have their own plans for America and to achieve them, they have to prevent the government from planning for the rest of us.

think not? Sara Robinson describes what has been done to America so that the wealthy can get richer and the evangelists can build their theocratic state.

Sara describes how the conservatives are stealing the America that was built around the vision of 1776 and built into the Constitution. They have taken away the America that planned, fought and won WW II and given us the Bush administration who not only could not anticipate the 9/11 terrorist attack after being repeatedly warned by the Clinton administration, but also could not adequately conduct a war and occupation in a third rate middle eastern county, then could not anticipate the problems that would occur in New Orleans when a Cat V hurricane hit there. And all the promises Bush made about rebuilding New Orleans? Unfulfilled. Why?

Because if the government were allowed to work by conservatives, then the conservative visions of a theocratic state run by wealth families (the Latin American model practiced in Mexico and Brazil) would not be possible.

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