Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 will be the nastiest election in memory

Right now we are looking at Iowa with a bit of amazement to see who will survive it and move forward to New Hampshire, but the real primary is coming when 24 states hold primaries on February 5th. We will know the nominees after that.

Then it is going to get really nasty. The right-wingers are going down in November, and they already know it. They hate that. Digby describes what is going to happen between Feb 6 and Nov 4, and maybe after.
The right is fully prepared to run against either The Bitch, O-Bambi, or The Breck Girl (and in case he makes a sprint for the finish, Bill "Anchor Baby" Richardson) with the most hideous misogynist/racist/quasi-homophobic/xenophobic campaign in history. They know they are probably going to lose --- but they'll let the neanderthals on the bench have some fun in the second half to sharpen their skills.
Plan on it. There will be lies, slime, criminal activity and just plain nastiness and almost all of it will come from the crazies on the right.


SteveJ said...

"There will be lies, slime, criminal activity and just plain nastiness and almost all of it will come from the crazies on the right."

Of course. The Clintons would never stoop to such sleazy tricks, right? They're as pure as the Angel Gabriel.

Like so many, you've allowed partisanship to blind you to the obvious. If you don't see any slime coming from the other side of the aisle, you simply don't want to see it.

Richard said...

Steve, you clearly suffer from Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Are you from Arkansas? That illness started there.

I never said that there won't be some dirty tricks from the Democratic side of the aisle. But there won't be a lot. The strong majority will come from the right-wingers.

Congress is an example. There are clearly crooked Congressmen on both sides of the Aisle, but the two recent federal prisoners are both Republican. (Cunningham and Ney) And while there are a few like William Jefferson who looks (appears - not yet proven) crooked, it has been the Republicans who institutionalized crookedness with Tom DeLay's K-Street Program (which led Jack Abramoff to prison and has triggered a massive number of investigations which the Bush administration has been slow-walking through the process.

Remember the illegal phone-jamming that elected Sen. Sunnu in 2002? One Republican activist served time for that and the RNC paid over $3,000,000 to keep Tobin out of prison. I have yet to see any credible accusations that the DNC has been involved in such criminal activity.

This election will be characterized by a massive number of lies, slime, criminal activity and just plain nastiness, and the majority of it will come from the right wing because they are losing.

As for Clinton, if she is the Democratic candidate we know the Press hates her guts and will themselves lie and slime her. They'd love to get a real issue to beat her with. Meanwhile the Press leans towards the right-wingers and gives them walks on almost everything. Rudy Guiliani is running on an almost totally false resume, and the Press has barely touched him.

You're playing the "Either - Or - exclude the middle" game and then insinuating that the Clinton's are as bad as the Republicans.

It is you who are blinded by partisanship. The lies, slime, criminal activity and nastiness are overwhelmingly coming from the right wing, and merely to throw out the name "Clinton" does not demonstrate otherwise.