Saturday, January 19, 2008

Clinton took Nevada

The caucuses in Nevada were close, but Hillary took more than Obama. here are the results of entrance polling, and interesting they are.

I find it especially interesting that while Blacks did tend to vote more for Obama, it certainly was not a knee-jerk vote. The same is true for Hillary. Whites did tend to prefer Hillary, but the percentage of White voters for Obama was roughly the same as Black voters for Clinton. Essentially, while race was a factor, it was not a dominating factor.

Edwards, my preferred candidate, did poorly. In the entrance polls roughly 9% of the caucus-goers initially preferred Edwards, but Josh Marshall points out that, like Iowa, if there were not enough delegates at a given caucus to meet a minimum threshold, they were invited to support one of the other candidates, so Edwards ended up with only about 4%.

Romney won the Republican caucuses rather as expected.

The reports are not in from the South Carolina primaries yet.

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