Tuesday, June 27, 2006

CT AFL-CIO to support Lieberman only for Primary

The AFL-CIO decided to support Joe Lieberman in the CT Democratic Primary, but to hold off on the November election. This is according to Connecticut Blog. [Which I found thanks to MDD]

This makes any effort for Joe to run as an independent in November more dangerous. If he pulls out of the Democratic Primary, he won't have labor support in November.

The AFL-CIO Convention showed a majority support for Lieberman, but a strong minority for Lamont based on issues such as his failure to even be present in the Senate to vote on trade bills, his early support of privatization of Social Security, his lack of support for National Healthcare and his support for right-wing federal judges and for school vouchers.

There appears to be strong opinion that Sen. Lieberman is unresponsive to the concerns of Connecticut Democrats. That national media gets it wrong. There are a lot of reasons for Democrats to oppose Sen. Lieberman for reelection, and Ned Lamont is bringing them up effectively.

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