Friday, June 24, 2005

Dems look good in governorships

Ruy Teixeira at the Emerging Democratic Majority paints a rather pleasant picture of the prospects for Democrats winning the governorships of New York, California, Ohio and Massachusetts.

Since those states include 40% of the population, Democrats should be in position to win the gerrymandering battles in 2010. He doesn't suggest any mid-decade gerrymanders of the type the Republicans have been forcing through. This may change the problem of the Republican advantage on the national electoral system.

Wish he had similar kind words for Texas. That's going to take longer.

Considering the gerrymandering situation along with the problems the Republicans are having with the war in Iraq, congressional ethics problems and the selling of government to the lobbyists and backlash against the social Republican attacks on the Judiciary and the Constitution, we may see another two generations in which the Republicans are locked out of control of the federal government.

For the long term, however, the international decline of America will continue no matter which party is in power. The Republican missteps in the last five years are only speeding up the inevitable process. Terrorism will continue to be a problem, but the largest issues will revolve around the collapse of the American University systems as competitive institutions internationally and the rise of China as the international economic powerhouse to replace what America was in the twentieth century. Deal with globalism will be the central issue for the next five decades.

We really need to get the Republicans out and the adults back into control of the government.

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