Thursday, June 09, 2005

Bush not doing well in polls

Ruy Teixeira reports that Bushs' polls in all areas are dropping. Go read his report for the good news.

The next question is what will he do next? The Bush/Rove/Cheney triumverate is anything but passive. Iraq is not doing well, and the Iraqi government is going its own way rather than hewing to the bush/Rumsfeld line. One area is militias. The U.S. wants an Iraqi Army, but the Iraqi government is moving towards acceptance of the Badr militia (trained in Iran) and probably the Kurdish Peshmerga.

Domestically his Social Security phase out efforts using private accounts aren't going well. John Bolton's nomination isn't moving well. The Senate refused to go along with the end of the filibuster. This ain't good if your name is Bush and your goal is total control of the U.S. government.

I suspect that this summer will see new aggressive actions in Iraq, possibly also against Iran and Syria. We will also see new efforts to destroy Social Security, possibly not using private accounts. If I am correct, there will be new nominations of totally unacceptable judges.

With luck this will lead to an education of the Democrats about how to deal with being a minority party. Maybe Joe Biden and Joe Lieberman will quit attacking Howard Dean because he attacks the gutter-slime that the Republican Party is now led by.

This summer is going to be interesting. As in the old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times." As in the period of the warring states that Confucius was writing about.

Either the U.S. is going to become a authoritarian state ruled by the Republicans and the social conservatives, or the Democrats are going to recover and dominate the next forty-five years of American politics.

My bet is that the Republicans will win.

They are disciplined and focused, and the Democrats think the end of American Constitutional democracy isn't possible. So most Democrats won't fight it, and they will attack those, like Howard Dean, who do fight the coming authoritarian government. In the end, America will roll over to the destruction of the Constitution and the end of democracy with little real complaint.

It won't be long from now, either.

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