Friday, June 22, 2007

Tristero on the Christianists and their abortion scam

Tristero over at Digby discusses what the real fight over abortion is all about. Here are a few key excerpts:
I fail to see how, by any stretch of the imagination, proactively denying adequate medical care to poor women is morally defensible.

This issue is not about, and never has been about, "when does a human life begin?" That simply is not an appropriate question for a government to answer; indeed, to answer it "officially" is tantamount to a religious establishment. And clearly, these are decisions which are quite rightly left to the individuals involved. [Snip]

...the moral issue is really quite simple. A woman has the right to control her body. No one, and certainly no government, should ever force her to have, or not have, children. How she chooses, what she chooses, when she chooses, are private choices.
He also uses some rather inflammatory language, certainly not that of measured and rational discussion, when he calls the Christianist opponents of legalized abortions "pro-coathanger."

Regular readers of my publication may notice that I, too, have stopped pretending that I think the "Christianists" and conservatives who are taking over America and trying to destroy our Constitutional democracy are actually "honorable opponents with whom honest discussion is possible." They aren't. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Dick Cheney, Michael Ledeen, Norman Podheretz, Alberto Gonzales, William Kristol, "Scooter" Libby and Josh Bolton to name just a few are not listening, nor do that have defense of the Constitution and of America in mind when they conduct their extremely nasty politics.

These and many, many other so-called conservatives are enemies of America. They do not discuss values or issues. They use emotionalized language, money and lies to develop isses that can be used to attack the basic structure of America. Their purpose is to conduct a coup, much as in July 1936 Francisco Franco conducted a coup against the legitimate elected government of Spain. At the most extreme conservatives use and support the use of violence to destabilize the government they don't control. This is exactly the same set of tactics as are used by Islamists against legitimate (and less than legitimate) governments in the Middle East.

So what does this have to do with the abortion issue that Tristero is discussing?
...the issue is not abortion but government regulation of abortion. The fact that so many of us see this differently is precisely at the heart of the fight against the right.

They, not Democrats and liberals, want this country to see the issue in black and white. The effect, if they win, will be catastrophic. And the catastrophe will fall predominantly on poor women. [Snip]

Again, to be clear, this is not about personal opinions about terminating or completing pregnancies. This about
[the radical extremist right-wingers] demanding the government regulate pregnancy and reproduction in accordance with one specific ideology.

Possibly no one feels the same as another about abortion itself. But that is not the issue. It's the extreme right forcing people to adhere to their, and only their, morality that is the issue.
As usual, Tristero and Digby clarify the real issue and present it understandably.

It is my conclusion that the extremist right-wingers are well on the way to taking over America and destroying Constitutional democracy under the Rule of Law. America now consists of the radical right-wing extremists [RRWE], currently in control of the federal government, a bunch of people who don't care who is in charge and don't want to hear about it, and those of us who realize that we are being attacked by the ignorant Yahoos and Bankers that run the Republican Party. The RRWE's aren't listening to me, and really wish I would shut up and go away. The "don't cares and don't listens [DCDL]" have blocked out the entire set of conflicts, hoping it will all go away. Finally there are those of us who want America back.

The DCDLs aren't going to respond to rational and moderate discussion (don't care) and really really object to any indication of conflict (don't listen.) They, like the RRWEs just want the conflict and me to go away. But they, also like the RRWEs will not respond in any way to moderate, rational and unemotional discussion. It just allows them to feel that they are correct that the conflicts don't matter so they can continue to ignore them.

If my blunt and less than moderate language prods them into any reaction at all, they and America will be better for it. Otherwise, this conflict will go away like the Spanish Civil War did. Franco took over in 1936 and was the unquestioned authoritarian leader until his death in 1975. Spain had Peace, but little else, until Franco died. It also had the Civil War, Guernica and a massive exodus of many of the finest members of society. Nothing Franco ever did for Spain was worth what he cost that nation. But that is the nature of right-wing extremists, NeoCons, and conservatives. It is inherent in their ignorance, intolerance and authoritarianism.

I, too, am becoming intolerant. I will no longer tolerate the efforts of the Christianists and the extremist radical right to impose their prejudices and idiocies on the rest of us. If they have anything to offer below the level of their enforced idiocies (Creation Science?> Gimme a break!)then I can't find it through their lies and falsehoods, and I see no reason to bother trying.

They should go to Hell in their own way and let the rest of us alone. But they won't. They will have to be stopped, like roaches and termites.

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