Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Some things just bear repeating purely for the pleasure of it

Rep.Barney Franks was asked which was the real Mitt Romney, the "pro-gay-rights Massachusetts candidate or the anti-gay-rights national Republican candidate." Barney responded:
Neither of the above. The real Romney is clearly an extraordinarily ambitious man with no perceivable political principle whatsoever. He is the most intellectually dishonest human being in the history of politics. [From Mark Kleiman]
I'm glad Barney said that, because every time I have seen Romney on TV I have felt like I was watching a less scrupulous Richard Nixon with a better shave and more expensive suit. It's nice to have my opinion validated that way.

Mark also pointed out this from Harry Reid on the current Republican field of Presidential candidates:
I’ve learned one thing in listening to all the debates and reading about all these people running for office, and the one fact I’ve learned, I can’t get out of my mind, is that Rudy Giuliani has been married more times than Mitt Romney’s been hunting.
Now if I can just find some similarly accurate and witty comments on Fred Thompson (the basset hound with a law degree and a trophy bimbo half his age) and Newt Gingrich, I'll enjoy this election season a bit more.

1 comment:

Connecticut Man1 said...

I had heard the Frank quote, but the Reid quote is TOO FUNNY!