Thursday, June 28, 2007

Republicans want to return to segregation

Imagine Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas, and Kennedy sitting at a discussion table in the Supreme Court building discussing and justifying their vote to each other. They realize that this is their chance to reverse Brown vs. Board of Education, the case every Republican knows was mistakenly decided case in 1954. These are five Justices who live in gated communities, after all. Money has already bought them their segregation, but their Party wants it everywhere. That is why they are on the Supreme Court, after all.

I can just hear the discussions going on in the Supreme Court with the five Catholic Justices as sitting there saying "We don't want those 'Nigras' sending their children to schools with ours. That's why we live in gated communities in the first place. (Thomas is nodding his head, remembering his White wife, and working very hard not to look at the color of his own skin. He is just like his rich friends, not like those low-class 'nigras.')

Someone speaks "Hey! We can resegregate as long as no one is allowed to measure the level of segregation! We can always claim that our schools aren't segregated if we have one or two 'Nigras' attending, and there are a few [sotto voice, so Thomas won't hear - 'Good house Nigras' ]we can depend on. And look! We don't even have to say "Separate but Equal." This way we have 'separate.' Who needs 'Equal?'

Then they all nod in agreement, finish their coffee, stand up and go to vote against desegregation.

Fantasy? Go look at Scotus Blog.

Now they can turn their energies to destroying Social Security, kicking the brown-skinned Mexican immigrants out of our White nation and finishing the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade.

Oh, and there may still be opportunities to make the President completely independent of the Congress using Executive Privilege. The Republicans may not need to keep stealing elections and suppressing the votes of African-American voters. A monarch is appointed by God to Rule the lesser beings, and is not to be interfered with by the peons and legislatures. Conservatives want to return to the proper order of things before all the pesky revolutionaries got loose. Remember the Divine Right of Kings? That's got a new name now. It's called "Executive Privilege."

Goes well with segregation, doesn't it? Divine Right of Republican Kings to stick with their own and exclude all others except as temporary servants 'guest' workers. The Germans have been trying to make this work since they invited Turkish guest workers in during the 60's and 70's. No citizenship, even for the children, and they were supposed to go home too. They're dark-skinned, too. Not at all hard to exclude from "better society." It hasn't worked for the Germans. Now our Confederate States-based Republican Party wants to try the same (failed) strategy since the option of slavery is clearly a non-starter. For now.

Segregation is the next step to the future of American internal conflict, and the Republicans are happily embracing it.

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