Friday, June 15, 2007

OK. So Nifong is going to resign.

But he still needs to lose his law license. An Assistant District Attorney might just get a five year (or whatever is appropriate) suspension, but Mike Nifong is the guy elected to be responsible for such decisions. Even if he had had the inklings of a case, he still stepped far, far over the line with his efforts to try the case in the media. He blew it really badly, and should never again be an attorney. In addition, civil lawsuits are certain. But they will never be enough.

In addition, there needs to be a really good study to determine why the most significant actions were performed. What decisions by what people determined each major action, and why were those decisions so far from the ones that would have been ethical?

Yeah, I admit it. I'd swap my soul to be part of the team doing that study. The psychology and sociology of that kind of decision-making and its implementation fascinate me.

Don't know what I am talking about? Go read the story at Talkleft.

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