Friday, June 29, 2007

Leonard Pitts, Jr. and Hate Crimes

On June 5, 2007 columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. published a column entitled Racist cries of media bias don't fit this crime. Here is the beginning of Pitt's column
It seems that in January, a young white couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, were victims of a brutal crime. They were carjacked, kidnapped and raped. Cleaning fluid was sprayed into Christian's mouth. She was stuffed in a trash can and apparently suffocated. Newsom was shot and set afire. His body was dumped. Five blacks, one a woman, have been arrested.

The story made headlines around Knoxville. It was unnoticed nationally.

That has changed. A constellation of white supremacists and conservative bloggers has pushed the story into the national limelight as illustration of their argument that news media, constrained by political correctness, refuse to report black on white crime while pulling out all the stops when crime is white on black, as in the Duke lacrosse debacle. Me, I would see their Duke case and raise them a Central Park jogger, but what do I know?

Anyway, bloggers like Michael Oliver have chastised the "liberal, biased, Mainstream Media" for missing the Knoxville story. He asked: "Had the roles been reversed, would the media ignore such a horrific crime?"

Truth is, media ignore horrific crimes all the time. Space is limited and growing more so. Which means the story that catches fire usually has some element beyond gruesomeness to sell it. In the Duke case, it was class, privilege, sex and race that did it. [Snip]

And last weekend, white supremacists held -- I kid you not -- a "rally against genocide" in Knoxville.
So the poor victimized White Crackers are angry that the above described horrific crime is not being tried as a "Hate Crime."

So what happened next? From Leonard Pitts yesterday:
As you may know, yours truly has lately been the target of death threats and harassment from the ranks of the not-so-tightly-wrapped.
Digby very kindly points at the column by Kathleen Parker where Parker points out that the real problem is that Hate Crime laws create social divisions.
Groups such as the Anti-Defamation League have insisted that hate crime laws are necessary because crimes that make minority communities fearful "damage the fabric of our society and fragment communities." The Duke and Knoxville cases cast doubts on that premise. It is human nature to resent groups and individuals deemed more special than others.

Signaling through laws (or media treatment) that one group's suffering is more grievous than another's - or that one person's murder is worse than another's - is also likely to fragment communities, as well as to engender the very animosities such laws are meant to deter.
Let me just say that I think this shows that Ms. Parker is a sick, stupid, and historically ignorant bitch who may well be in the pay of the KKK. And those are my kinder thoughts.

She probably agrees with George Will that the Racist Southerners who felt kicked out by the Democratic Party and went with George Wallace in 1968 felt that the were an oppressed minority. Well, so do pedophiles and rapists. They are oppressed for damned good reasons. What they want destroys society. They SHOULD be oppressed. Racists, rapists and pedophiles have no positive value to American society.

Here is a short American History Lesson for those who have forgotten

America is still trying to figure out how to effectively oppress the scary slave Niggers-Negroes-Blacks-African-Americans. America's dirty secret (hidden only from the current White over class) is that America was built to a great extent on the oppression of Black Slaves. That's why they are in the Constitution. They were really important. But the rot of slavery is worse for the oppressors than for the oppressed, because the fear of the slave rebellion never goes away until it is faced, and the White over class will do almost anything to refuse to face their own fear of Blacks.

The White over class fear leads to the oppression of the under class, and that oppression causes anger in those who are oppressed. That is the key to the devastation slavery has had - and still has - on America. But there is no oppression today. The slaves have been freed and segregation is ended, Right?

That is only what the blind wish to see. The history of the oppression of the slaves is more than just legal oppression. A lot more.

The original system of oppression was total warfare on the "Niggers" when they were legally called slaves rather than humans or citizens. Before the Civil War every young White Southern male was trained to defend his Race when the inevitable Great Slave Rebellion occurred. It was even built into the college curriculum. Nothing was every placed in the way of those young White soldiers. No law, no morality, no recognition that the targets of their whips, guns and oppression were even human. Ask the Churches. Even God and the Bible justified the oppression of the slaves. The Southern Baptists only publicly recanted this about two decades ago. And privately?

When the U.S. Constitution was written, this was the social basis of the most powerful states other than Massachusetts.

After the Civil War the scary slaves were given citizenship and access to the courts (lot of good THAT did) and the solution was a new form of oppression. It was a two-pronged attack on Niggers/Negroes. The legal prong was to segregate them. Separate them from their betters, the Whites. The other prong - not legal, but de facto - was to terrorize them if they even poked their heads up and asked to vote or to question why they were not treated like other citizens. The many branches of the KKK were institutions to carry out this illegal oppression. [This was not a conspiracy, planned by a central group of conspirators. It was a reflection of the social fears of the White oppressors, just as the fear of a slave rebellion had been. Given the fears, this reaction was logical.]

It is the second, illegal, prong of repression which is still widely practiced. Intimidation is preferred today because it doesn't get as much bad Press. That wasn't a problem before the Civil Rights Movement. In those days the Press just didn’t bother to report the problems. Today random White-on-Black violence like the Whites who dragged the James Byrd Jr. to death behind a pickup in Jasper, Texas a few years ago is still part of the social system of White oppression of African-Americans. Any dark-skinned American who reads or hears of James Byrd Jr. and doesn't think "That could have been me or one of my children." simply is disconnected from reality. Because it could have been.

The recent story from Jena, Louisiana about "the White Tree" shows exactly how the modern oppression is done. [ h/t to Rick Perlstein ] It starts with young White (usually males) expressing their superiority (That's OUR tree) and then enforcing it with intimidation. (Nooses hung from the tree.)

I get angry when some ignorant cracker tries to intimidate me, and I'm White. Further attempts to intimidate the African-American kids are sure to follow, and when they do, will result in some fights.

So then White Law steps in. The cracker (elected) DA adds to the intimidation of the "Uppity Blacks" by bringing attempted Murder charges against six of them.

I don't know if "Hate" crime is the best name for the laws. But if the law does not somehow recognize the illegal repression and intimidation that goes on in every American ghetto every day even now, then all we have is "Cracker Law."

Without some form of ENFORCED "Hate Crime" legislation, then we are still back at the day after the Emancipation Proclamation and the Southern Crackers (not just in the South, either) are still practicing their control of the scary Black Race through intimidation. That is why it is important to look at the race of the criminal and of the victim and look at the criminal's motive. When the motive is includes Race and the victim is the descendant of slaves (or looks like it) then America as a whole must take special actions to stop those crimes and the criminals need to know that their buddies can't get them off (KKK? Birmingham church bombing? Anyone?)

Ah, but the Civil Rights Movement is over, Segregation is no longer legal, and we are a race-blind society, right?

Nope. That was the first prong of the oppression. The second prong involving intimidation and violence is still alive and very, very well. It is especially appreciated by the Republican Party where it gives them thousands of White Cracker votes in every election.

And while I am ranting about this Racist Cracker society in American (intentionally adopted by Nixon into the Republican Party in 1972 and carefully coddled there), let's not forget the five Opus Dei Catholics on the Supreme Court who are supporting the Southern Crackers by making it generally not legal to measure America's biggest inherent Crime by the only measure that matters, Race. Look away and it's not there, right? Can't see it and there's no Racism. Can't legally measure it, and judges aren't allowed to see it.

Voila! Racism is gone. Just get the DA's to charge a few pesky Black teenage kids who don't like being oppressed and the problem is solved. They aren't oppressed Blacks. They're just criminals who should be imprisoned. Oh, and building more privately owned prisons makes money for the Crackers while holding the "criminals" out of sight.

Anyone who doesn't see the need for effective Hate Crime legislation in this nation - this Nation which was built as much on Race Hatred as any other element - is either blind or a fool. America's Race hatred of Blacks makes this a special case, one that requires special legislation and serious enforcement. It requires what is called "Hate Crimes Legislation" and it requires that those laws be enforced. Otherwise, we act like Bush in Iraq. We just keep kicking the can down the road until someone else has to handle it, and take the blame.

Until then we will all suffer from the fear of the oppressors and the anger of the oppressed. Even those who do not participate in either the fear or the anger are diminished and damaged by the actions of both.


pcapostate said...

Sucking Jew and black dick is no longer cool and fashionable, wake up.

Anonymous said...

As one of the 40,000 White women raped each year by blacks, I'd like to thank you for your compassion.

Kelly McKean

Richard said...

So you were raped by a Black and you are angry.

Interesting that you weren't raped by a man. Or a resident of Cleveland or some other place.

Your racism and your anger are your problem. You need help.

Anonymous said...

No Richard, you need help. Listen to how you just spoke with a woman who has been raped by a black man. Her "racism" and her "anger" is "her problem." You're a sick man, blaming the victim that way. How dare you talk to a victim of rape that way.

You need to spend about 2 months in the ghetto with the "brothers." I'd say that'd cure you - if you managed to live that long.

You can continue to mewl for "poor blacks" suffering from oppression, and continue to ignore the fact that most violent crimes are committed by black. You can continue to blame "whitey" for their actions.

You can also continue to whine for 1984 "hate crime" legislation, very typical of totalitarian leftists such as yourself.

But I don't think the growing number of whites waking up to this problem is paying any attention to sick freaks such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Richard, are you able to discern in your sick sick head, that why you are pointing the finger at other's "racism," you're busy calling white people "crackers?"

Sick freak. I'd cure you with my own two hands if I could. Don't you EVER talk like that to a white victim of black rape AGAIN.


Richard said...

Assuming that was a woman who posted, and assuming if so that she was raped, and assuming both of the above are true, then her problem is with the rapist. Not everyone who looks like her rapist. With her spurious 40,000 statistic, she wasn't looking for compassion. She was threatening me with an intimidating (if non-existent) group and trying to wrap herself in her sick self-justi8fication for her anger and racism.

Asuming that she was raped and is angry at her raper, even then, what quality does she decide to hate? Race and skin color? Gender? The person who (supposedly) committed the (supposed) crime? Anyone who went to their High School? All except the person who committed the crime she claims occurred are senseless targets for her hate.

finding a crime statistic, pulling it out of some report, and saying of the anonymous 39,999 others "They are just like me!" Doesn't make it so, nor does it help any of the alleged 40,000 individuals who each have a different story and a different problem. Claiming to belong to that crowd does not make her a better person, any more than wrapping himself in some flag makes a man a better person.

Again, assuming that what she wrote was true, her problem is first with being raped, and second with her misdirected anger. She can't do much about having been raped. But her anger is totally self-destructive, besides the fact that she is using it to justify her racism.

She needs help. She needs to get it. Leaving nasty messages on someone's blog won't help her a bit.

Assuming that you are a different person, I'd suggest an anger management course for you, too.

Check the crime statistics. Most violent crimes in the U.S. are committed by Whites, not Blacks. I detest violent criminals, regardless of race. But we have a system of fear, oppression and (as you demonstrate) anger that creates and justifies violent crimes, intimidation and repression. Then, like the idiot D.A. in Jena, LA, we used the crimes that result to justify more repression and intimidation.

You are part of the problem, not part of the solution. America would be much better if you and everyone else tried to be part of the solution. That's hopeless as long as all people do is spew anger and hatred at strangers instead of talking about the sad American problem of Race.

Focus on the persons who actually cause the problem as individuals. Forget Race. How a person's skin turns sunlight into Vitamin D has nothing to do with the violence, hatred and intimidation that occur daily in this otherwise beautiful nation.

You are correct that I was pointing to a class and blaming them all when I used the term "Crackers." It was intentional. Glad you noticed what I was doing. That's known as "A Teaching Moment." It's part of what needs to be fixed.

Don't try to make me join your nasty little crowd of Race haters. That is the problem, not the solution. And don't try to make me shut up because the hatred you spread contaminates America. Do something that removes the excuses for hatred and violence.

Anonymous said...

Don't like free speech much, do you Richard? Goodness, victims of black on white rape might speak up, and we certainly wouldn't want that in the soviet style utopia you'd like everyone to live in. Hence your embrace of "1984" "hate laws"

You're a sick man, Richard, but certainly you have the right to spew your anti-white bigotry.

I'm not buying your college level 101 pseudo psychology about "misdirected anger" or whatever bullshit you using.

And I've checked the crime statistic, and what most anti-white bigots such as yourself like to hide is the fact that blacks make up a much smaller percentage of the population, and on percentage bases, commit, I believe something like 700% of violent crime compared to whites. On a percentage basis, they also use a much greater portion of welfare.

like I said, bigots like you try to hide that fact.

if anyone is a racist hater, it's you, "Cracker hater." No matter how hard you try to stand up for black rapists, it's pretty obvious you're the spewing hatemonger here.

Go live with the "brothers" you love so much, bigot. You won't because you know the danger, and you know you may not survive.

You're a sick freak, browbeating a women who was raped by the black criminals you're practically drooling over.

Her "problem" is that she and many other white women were and are being raped by black men, and blacks have and will always be a danger to societies.

YOUR problem is that you're an anti-white, pro black criminal bigot, and a sick, sick man.

I better not see you EVER talk that way to a white rape victim again.
EVER, you sick freak. Use your imagination about what may happen if you do.

Anonymous said...

and don't tell me what to do, Richard, you sick freak. I'll do whatever the hell I want, so fuck off with your childish, stupid advice.

you'll be watched to see if you browbeat another rape victim, asshole.

Anonymous said...

adding. Hope you're enjoying this "teaching moment," hatemonger Richard.

Richard said...

Let’s look at your posts:

>Racist and angry.
>Posting at my site for some unknown reason.
>Non-responsive to previous post and comments
>Plays the victimhood card for some imaginary personal hurt (No, I don’t believe your lies)
>Wraps yourself in the alleged damages of a larger (also anonymous) group
>Spews anger instead of facts when challenged
>Attempts threats and intimidation instead of reason and explanation when challenged, but can’t be bothered with confirmable facts.

Conclusion: You are a nasty right-wing propagandist playing angry games. If real rape victims knew how you were misusing their status they would totally reject you, but I should imagine that you are used to being rejected by decent people. You are definitely a waste of a human skin. But I mean that in the very nicest possible way.

And yes, I am enjoying this teaching moment.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Richard says the "40,000" number is spurious. The number comes from the US Govt, the FBI Uniform Crime Report, etc. From the same govt. that gives blacks and in fact all other non-whites favored treatment over whites under the guise of "Affirmative Action". In short, Richard knows it's true, but ignores the truth when it's inconvenient. He's the perfect example of what we see so much of today; self-hating white men falling all over each other to show how much they can dump on whitey to get the approval of their masters. Never spending one minute on self examination, never taking 2 seconds to look at anything sideways. Nope. You can bet if Richard were assaulted by a black teen with a pen knife, he'd get on his knees, and suck Tyrone off while apologizing for racism out of the corner of his mouth. Wait, I'm going too far. This has no doubt already happened to him. Probably after he ran away while seeing his mother being gang raped by some illegal aliens. That's the type of cowardice we see today in so many brainwashed, cowardly white men. Richard is exhibit A. He makes his posts and thinks he's making a difference, battling evil. All he's doing is following orders, and never realizes it. The definition of dipshit, itz!

Anonymous said...

Alex Linder, the man who organized the Knoxville rally, posted your comments at his website. I don't know why; maybe he thought it would give a laugh to his followers: peel a racial egalitarian, and you find a snob who would embarrass Marie Antoinette.

Richard said...

Interesting. I notice that all of the complaints here are about my so-called indifference to the suffering of women who have been raped. How that justifies racism I have yet to determine, but I don't expect logic, consistency or rationality from American racists.

I have left the comments posted as presented as they prove my case that there is NO JUSTIFICATION for racism and even its adherents try to change the subject to an unrelated hot-button issue.

Nor is any comment posted here useful in any way to prevent rape or to help the people who have suffered such an atrocity. I would merely point out (again) that if Kelly McKean was actually raped by one or more individuals who are African-American, then any preventive actions should be focused on rapists. Sex-crime laws and registration of sex-criminals is a somewhat useful approach to that. Claiming that every Black man is a rapist does not.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Yankee James said...

Thanks for taking the time to write about this!

Anonymous said...

Racism is the best way to get rid of rape. ;-D

Anonymous said...
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