Thursday, March 17, 2005

Not Everything is Politics

What does a person do about a 'fat cat'? I mean, all they do is eat, sleep, and gain weight, right?

My solution has been to share my love with the small gray tabby, Mitzi, and a part sheltie dog, Foxy. The foxy has frustrated herding instincts and is also jealous whenever I let the cat hop into my lap and collect her demanded stroking. So Foxy does a credible job of 'cat herding'. Both of them get their exercise and keep their weight down. I also suspect that Foxy could provide good training to Democratic leaders.

Of course, if Mitzi doesn't want to get 'herded', she turns and waves a paw in front of Foxy's muzzle. Foxy then pokes her muzzle at her in the herding manner, and after a few moments goes away since it is no fun to herd a cat who doesn't want to be herded.

Foxy's cat-herding of Mitzi is not a one-way pressure. I was petting the cat in one of her regular places this morning and Foxy, jealous as always, came in and shoved her way to get her equal share. Mitzi wasn't ready to share (is a cat ever?) so she turned and threw her paws around Foxy's front leg and bit her (lightly - Mitzi uses biting to communicate, not hurt.) Now mind you, foxy is about 35 pounds and mitzi is at best six pounds. Foxy could snap mitzi in half is a New York second.

So foxy looked down, took the hint, and walked out of the room leaving mitzi to get her petting. This was one of Mitzi's places, of course. Foxy was intruding and knew it.

I am semi-retired and have never owned pets by myself before, but when my son and daughter-in-law moved out they were unable to take their pets to the apartment (pet deposits were prohibitive) so I got stuck with them. So I am utterly amazed at the social interactions I am watching. These critters are fascinating.

If I needed to choose, I'd keep the dog. She is more amenable to training, understands more words, and we share more. But the cat is more computer-blogging appropriate. Either way, I am surprised to find myself the alpha-dog, cat-food-giver of the house and generally enjoying it. Cats are cuter, but dogs are more 'human', more compatible. I communicate with my dog, I only observe my cat. This is an overstatement, but indicates the distinction.

Either way, they are fun and educational.

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