Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The National Press Club Panel

Now mind you, I am not one to claim that the Press in this nation has collapsed as anything worth reading or watching. But look at this comment (with which I totally agree) by Americablog.

Seriously, though, the fact that we're all talking about this ridiculous panel session only shows that Bill Bennett didn't know the half of it when he wrote The Death of Outrage. The idea that a guy who posted naked pictures of himself pissing on the Internet -- and became famous for it -- would be invited to get up in front of an audience at the National Press Club to discuss journalism and blogging with a woman who has made anal sex her signature riff . . . well, The Death of Shame, Intelligence, Good Taste and Sanity makes a better title.

The Press really doesn't know how bad it looks. The sad thing is how many people who have spent complete careers in this now totally discredited arena. They have wasted their lives.

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