Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hillary is treating the media as hostile - good move, they ARE hostile..

Good news this morning from TPM.
"The New Republic's Michael Crowley has posted an engaging piece about Camp Hillary's strategy for dealing with the media. His basic take is that Hillary's advisers view the press as a hostile foe to be defeated at all costs."
Hillary's right. The media is her enemy, and the enemy of Democrats in general. Think not? Take a look at Digby's article Sunday on how the media is treating the strike of the Writer's Guild and the strike by the New York stagehands. The media is taking the corporate line hook, line and sinker. And it's clearly not the unionized news writers pushing the line. It's their corporate bosses.

No one in politics today should understand that the media is the enemy better than Hillary does. That's why she is going after them for their lies and inaccuracies.

That's also why I find Obama's "Kumbaya" politics of "Let's all come together and work as a team" utterly unrealistic. Apparently Obama is beginning to see that the media trope of him as "the flag-pin-hating Muslim" is beginning to sink in, but he seems to be a slow learner.

The refusal of the media to recognize and report on Giuliani's authoritarian behavior, his meglomaniacal statements, his severe narcissism and its accompanying grandiosity, his racism and his total inability to judge character in his subordinates as demonstrated by his appointments of Bernie Kerik and Russell Harding. The media is treating Giuliani just like they did George W. bush in 2000, and trying to treat the Democrats like they did both Al Gore and John Kerry.

The corporate media is not a set of neutral observers providing information to the electorate. They are the enemies of Democrats and of the American people in general.

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