Monday, July 23, 2007

What is "Mainstream" America?

Kevin Drum lists the results from Washington Post polls on selected extremely important issues in an effort to determine what is really mainstream attitude today:
  • 78% think George Bush is too unwilling to change policies in Iraq.
  • 55% support legislation to withdraw from Iraq by next spring.
  • 55% trust congressional Democrats on the war (only 32% trust Bush).
  • 62% think Congress should have the final say about when to withdraw troops.
  • 49% think Democrats have done too little to get Bush to change his Iraq policy (only 17% think they've done too much).
What this means is that there are two groups of extremists in America today. The first group is the Republican Party. The second group is the Washington, D.C. pundit corps.

The Democratic Party today represents mainstream American attitudes. The Republicans and the D.C. Pundits are the real extremists in America today.

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