Wednesday, July 11, 2007

McCain staff drain continues.

TPM reports another McCain staffer leaving. "McCain's finance director, Mary Kate Johnson, has also resigned." This is on top of the resignations of McCain's campaign manager and chief strategist who left the campaign yesterday, following significant staff layoffs that resulted when the campaign contributions left McCains campaign with only $2 million on hand. $2 million is less than the crackpot Ron Paul has available to him at this time. I think it is fair to bet that McCain's campaign will not be continuing much longer.

Andrew Sullivan has the best line on the McCain campaign collapse I have seen yet.
11 Jul 2007 10:40 am

"Sen. John Edwards began what he's calling his poverty tour today. He's visiting people who have no money and no hope. His first stop: John McCain's campaign headquarters," - Jay Leno last night. A McCain staffer transcribed it for Ambers.

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