Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bush strategy: Deliver fancy rhetoric, no facts and ignore critics

Don't listen to a Bush press conference for facts and reality. All you are going to get is the latest "focus-group tested" catch phrase and a bunch of irrelevant bullshit surrounding raw statements that translate into "I have decided on War. We will have war as long as I am in office." Usually this latter will be delivered in a whiny voice that says "Why don't you idiots out there understand what I see so clearly?"

Of course, what we almost almost all now understand now is that the "special clothes" he claims he is wearing don't exist. It is Bush who doesn't understand, and exposes his stupidity at every over-scripted press conference.

The political differences in bush's audience are not between those who understand how naked Bush is and those who are afraid to say they don't see his "clothes" for fear that everyone will recognize how stupid they are. As Steve Clemons points out, there are still 'true believers' among the right-wing, but they are being manipulated by the leaders like Bill Krystol. They are the targets of those "focus-group tested" catch phrases. But these are right-wing sheep wearing approved right-wing blinders.

The really important difference is between those who see the severe costs that America is paying for Bush's idiocy, and those right-wing leaders who will personally lose power and money when someone finally gets rid of Bush. That is why Bill Krystol is so proud of planting a new catch-phrase into Bush's Press Conference, and why he recently published the utterly reality-free pollyannaish article "Why bush will be a winner."

So bush, because of his mental illness, refuses to actually think about what government is doing. Instead he depends on his gut feel and his famous "Intuition." Then he turns the actually job of getting things done over to a few trusted subordinates - who are trusted largely because they don't ever disagree with Bush. Since Bush does not know how his subordinates operate, he cannot hold them accountable. Besides, he trusts them because of his intuition.

Those subordinates and their friends outside the government then manipulate Bush's decisions so that he thinks that he is making them. They keep critics away from Bush or discredit them to him, and they hand him the focus-grouped catch-phrases to manipulate the right-wing followers.

The result is a government that does not and cannot work, a lot of wealthy lobbyists and contractors getting paid for government contracts that they generally are not competent to perform, and a refusal to even question the continuance of the purposeless war in Iraq.

For the reason why the war cannot be ended, see The Iraq War IS the Republican Party. The term "Purposeless" refers to the American need for the War in Iraq. The Republican Party badly needs that war to continue.

As long as Bush remains President and the Republicans remain able to filibuster all significant legislation in the Senate, this will not change.

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