Wednesday, July 25, 2007

TSA reports of terrorist 'tests of security' are lies

Heard the one about the fake ice packs that were filled with clay and wrapped in duct tape? Here are the facts:
The TSA bulletin said the ice packs were covered in duct tape and had clay inside of them.

Sanfilippo said they weren't covered in duct tape and didn't have clay inside of them. “It is a little bit off,” he said of the bulletin.

The chief said a Harbor Police officer found what appeared to be hardened old gel that had seeped out of the ice packs and dried, leaving a clay-like substance around the outside edge of the pack.
But...but... this was from an official TSA Security Bulletin! Yeah, and here is what the local TSA official in San Diego had to say about that:
“We get these [bulletins] all the time,” he told the Union-Tribune. “Almost all the time they prove false.”
Folks, the Republicans are in political trouble, and they damned sure can't run on their competence running government. But they can do everything possible to scare the public and then say "We are the only ones tough enough to protect you. Keep us in office."

It kept them competitive during the Cold War, and now that the Communists have decided to stop being the Republican boogymen, they are searching desperately for a new set of fears to feed the public. Apparently the terror alert color codes didn't work that well. That is the main function of the Department of Homeland Security - to scare the public and make Republicans electable over competent politicians.

The media is delighted to help them.

Be afraid, people, be afraid - of what the right-wing authoritarian Republicans will do to America. Today's America is a lot less free than the one we had in the year 2000, and it is the Republicans who have brought that.

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