Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Juan Cole Provides Iraqi News Not Seen in US Media

Juan Cole provides evidence that the US military is considered an occupying army and that Americans are not especially liked by large numbers of those we consider to be on our side. He says we aren't getting the real news out of Iraq, good or bad, pro- or anti-Bush.

Two of many articles he quotes can be seen here:

Al-Furat carries on page 5 a 700-word article by Ahmad al-Murshid in which he comments on the US question that has recently been raised: "Why do they hate us in the Arab and Islamic world?" The writer says that not only people in the Middle East hate the United States, but people all over the world.

Al-Zaman publishes on page 13 a 400-word article by Mundir al-A'sam warning against adopting federalism and dividing Iraq into small states. The writer says that this is an "imperialistic and Israeli scheme". '

I present this reference without my own comment as information we are not getting through our American-centric media.

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