Friday, April 29, 2005

In an interview with Raw Story Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) slammed President Bush and Congressional Republicans.

"I think the Republicans basically resent the poor and they figure if we can get the poor investing in the stock market, maybe they'll start thinking like Republicans," Moran said. "God help us."

The Virginian said he believes that the Republican base has used Bush to push Social Security reform, a project that he says is essentially one to axe Social Security.

"I think they realized that they're never going to find anybody who is as willing to carry out the agenda of these Republican right wing nuts and reverse the course of American progress," he remarked. "This is their chance. This is their chance to cut taxes down to the bone. This is their chance to repeal Social Security and to bankrupt Medicare and Medicaid."

Rep. Moran seems to have gotten the picture. This is pure ideological politics by the Republicans who have been trying to destroy Social Security since it was created. Let's not forget that in 1978 Bush predicted Social Security would be bankrupt by 1988. As we could see, he did not forget to use that word, bankrupt, at various times again last night.

This is also the same group of Republicans in the Legislature who today passed a budget bill that cut Medicaid payments $10 billion while cutting taxes for the wealthy $109 billion. Let's talk about income redistribution again, why don't we? And these are the people who are telling us that they want to "reform" the same Social Security that those sterling Republicans Goldwater, Reagan, Dole and Bush are all on record as wanting to destroy.

I don't trust anything they say. Let's face it. If there is a unverse in which the truth can be found, these Republicans will avoid being found there with all their energies. Everything they say has two meanings, or as the Native Americans might say, "Republicans speak with forked tongue." One meaning is relatively innocuous, the other is destructive, and both are untrue.

If Bush has said anything honest in the last four plus years, then it was an accident and he didn't mean it. Last night was simply one more hour in which he practiced his usual deceptions.

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