Thursday, December 06, 2007

Is 'disaster capitalism' motivated by greed instead of big ideas?

Digby channels Naomi Klein "The Shock Doctrine", Alan Greenspan "The Age of Turbulence", Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged", and Milton Friedman to explain the motivations of the free market radical conservative and Libertarian Republicans.

It starts with a quotation from Naomi Klein:
When hard-right political leaders and their advisers apply brutal economic shock therapy, do they honestly believe the trickle-down effects will build equitable societies--or are they just deliberately creating the conditions for yet another corporate feeding frenzy? Put bluntly, Has the world been transformed over the past three decades by lofty ideology or by lowly greed?
Then Digby does an excellent job of answering the question.

We already know that they are happy to rob widows and children, cut back on health care and education and start unnecessary wars just so they can frighten people into adopting the methods that they control and that makes them even more wealthy and powerful. But why? It is the ideas?

Nope. As we all suspected, the answer is mere greed. The so-called ideas they spout are excuses to explain why acting as greedheads does not mean that they are really rotten human beings. The ideas just let them sleep at night.


Anonymous said...

"Rob widows and children." How do capitalists do this?

Richard said...

Bank robbers to it with a gun. Bankers do it with a pen.

Everyone knows that. It's traditional knowledge that has been passed down in families that had farms foreclosed in the early part of the twentieth century.

The bankers have returned in force in recent years, often in different guises such as mortgage brokers. A relabeled cockroach is still a cockroach.