Saturday, December 08, 2007

Digby - "Huckabee has always been a hater with a smile"

Digby provides more evidence that Huckabee is not suited to become President. Here is her final paragraph:
Wingnuts do not vote on creationism and blastocyst worship alone. Huck knows that to close the deal he's got to publicly get some hate on for somebody. Going after the gays is so 2004. This year's designated Republican hate object is teh Mexicans. They just need a little more reassurance that he's one of them. This should do it.
Huckabee may fool the Press flunkies, but a bit of research shows that the man behind the charm and the smile is as nasty as they come.

Of course, as both Huckabee and Giuliani know that is exactly what the Republicans, especially the religious right Republicans, really wants.

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