Thursday, December 13, 2007

Devastating ad exposes Huckabee's clemency for murder-rapist Dumond

This ad is really effective. Huckabee will hate it. The ad has the mother of Wayne Dumond's Missouri murder victim explaining why Huckabee is directly responsible for the rape-murder of her daughter because he released Dumond twenty-five years before his sentence was complete.

Max Brantly at the Arkansas Times reports that it was an Arkansas Republican, Keith Emis, who personally made the advertisement Wednesday, acquired a web site and posted the advertisement Thursday morning. Enis said he had no significant funding and is not supporting anyone in the Presidential race.

Now granted, Huckabee as a candidate for the Republican nomination is a fish in a barrel target - but will a single individual with no financing and nothing but a point to make and access to the Internet be able to effect Huckabee's efforts to obtain the Republican nomination for President? This after the corporate media has made Huckabee their darling-of-the-week?

I'm now waiting for three things.
  1. Will the corporate media pick up on this advertisement?
  2. Will the next polls on Huckabee's progress nationally and in Iowa be effected by this advertisement? and
  3. Will this advertisement lead to Romney winning the Iowa caucuses?
A "yes" answer to any one of these things will demonstrate that American elections have reached a new level because of the Internet, and the campaigns and the corporate media will both have to take notice.

[ h/t to Greg Sargent and David Kurtz at TPM. ]

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