Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Read a good review of the Plame affair

Howard Fineman of NBC has published a good, clear review of the exposure of CIA officer Valerie Plame to the right-wing columnist Bob Novak together with Karl Rove's apparent involvement. The risk that Rove will be indicted for his actions by the Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald is covered well.

Murray Waas provides latest updates on what Libby told and did not tell the Grand Jury.

Editor & Publisher discusses Judy Miller's return visit to testify again before the Grand Jury.

The Wall Street Journal discusses how the latest testimony of Miller appears to indicate that Fitzgerald is widening the scope of his investigation.

Read the items above, then read EmptyWheel's detailed analysis of why he thinks Fitzgerald is going after Dick Cheney himself. [If you have gotten this far and looked at the links, you are an obsessive Plame Affair junkie, and you really NEED the fix EmptyWheel is providing!]

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