Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Is America really moving to the Right?

Actually? No. The Washington Montly presents this analysis by Christopher Hayes. A key excerpt:
Two key trends are at work according to Hacker and Pierson: the growing numerical and financial strength of the Republican base and the GOP's refinement of a variety of tactical gambits—unified mostly by their reliance on subterfuge—to subvert the normal mechanisms that prevent majority coalitions from pushing through a radical agenda. All of this combines to produce "a systematic weakening of the institutional bonds that connect ordinary voters with elected politicians to ensure that American politics remains on center."
So what they are saying is that America is not accepting the agenda of the right as the new model of American politics. It is the unified Republican base, the increased amount of money they are using in politics, and the subterfuge with which they push their agenda and work to destroy the normal processes of American democracy.

It's money and lies behind their movement to return to the politics and economics of the 1890's.

That would imply that the corrective action is for Democrats to counter their money, or block access to it, expose their lies and counter with the truth, and work to improve and not destroy America's democratic mechanisms.

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