Wednesday, October 05, 2005

More on Tom DeLay's money laundering indictment

Ellen Miller at TPM Cafe points out that the Republican National Committee is in the middle of the money laundering for which Tom DeLay (and his aides) have been indicted.

According to the indictment, Jim Ellis, DeLay's co-conspirator, asked Terry Nelson, the RNC's deputy chief of staff, to make contributions to select candidates for the Texas House of Representatives with a contribution from TRMPAC. (State of Texas v. John Colyandro

Even more specifically, the indictment alleges that Jim Ellis proposed to Terry Nelson that the RNC make contributions to seven candidates in exchange for the TRMPAC check. (State of Texas v. John Colyandro, Associated Press, Oct. 4, 2005)

According to the press, Terry Nelson is a long time advisor to President Bush and was the Bush/Cheney '04 political director. (Associated Press, Sept. 28, 2005; National Journal, March 9, 2005)
The connections of Jim Ellis and John Colyandro are explained by Jurist.
John Colyandro [is] the former executive director of Texans for a Republican Majority [Wikipedia backgrounder], and Jim Ellis [is], the head of DeLay's national political committee.
TRMPAC was created by Tom DeLay.

Findlaw has the copy of the criminal comspiracy indictment (PDF) against Colyandro, Ellis and DeLay and also a copy of the money laundering indictment against all three men.

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