Thursday, May 15, 2008

Repubs to change for the coming change election - but only the message

The congressional Republicans now recognize that the general election in November is going to be a change election. So they plan to change. But only their messages.
Last week, an ABC News poll found that 82 percent of the public thinks the country is on the “wrong track.” Conservative candidates have lost three special congressional races in recent weeks, some in conservative districts. The Republican response? Better messaging.

The Washington Times reports today that House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said that “his party does not need to change its core principles,” but instead will bank on a “refurbished” message. “It’s a change election,” Boehner admitted, and according to him, only the Republican “brand” needs changing:
It’s not that the party’s going to change, it’s what we talk about and how we talk about it,” he said. “You look at the Republican brand name being where it is, let’s be frank about it. Iraq has been very unpopular, right? It’s associated with Republicans. The president’s job approval is somewhere down around 30. Those are the two big issues that hurt the brand.
So they'll talk change but remain the same as before.

Is there any surprise?

Thanks to Think Progress.

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