Thursday, May 15, 2008

Is Clinton's defeat for the nomination something that requires her follower to demand vengeance?

Allsburg at TPM Café suggests that the repeated statements by both strong Clinton and Obama supporters that they will refuse to vote for the other candidate if he or she wins may not be merely statements made in the heat of the moment. Based on an anthropological article published by Jered Diamond, Allsburg suggests that such statements reflect a strong human need for vengeance. According to Diamond, such a need often makes it seem reasonable for the person demanding vengeance to do things that are extreme to the point of self-destructive in order to gain satisfaction.

Allsburg also also suggests actions that traditionally can resolve the issue for individuals who feel the need for such vengeance.

It's an interesting article. Go read it.

Even if this is true, it may be something that good leadership in the Democratic Party can deal with effectively. If so, it will require the greatest cooperation from Hillary Clinton and great tact by Obama. I firmly expect both.

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