Sunday, January 22, 2006

Dean highly successful in fundraising for Dems.

Reddhead at FireDogLake has an excellent analysis of how effective Howard Dean has been in fund raising for the Democratic Party.

Don't buy the Republican talking points that Dean is a failure. In fact he has successfully increased (Yep. increased) Democratic fundraising enough to make the Republicans quite nervous. That's why the Republicans are bad-mounting him.

Of course, the corporate-owned so-called mainstream media is reporting the Republoican talking points without investigating their accuracy or motivation. That's so the Republican screamers won't accuse them of being the Liberal media - or, as Debrah Howell who is "ombudsman" for the Washingon Post has recently proven, the so-called objetive media is in fact in bed with the Republicans and don't report unbiased news. (See Washington Post Ombudman Deborah Howell Says "Uncle!") by Brad DeLong at TPM Cafe. Be sure to check the links and read the comments to get the whole story.)

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