Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Year 2000 - Frist voted to filibuster Judge Paez

"Sen. Chuck Schumer asked Majority Leader Bill Frist a simple question:

SEN. SCHUMER: Isn’t it correct that on March 8, 2000, my colleague [Sen. Frist] voted to uphold the filibuster of Judge Richard Paez?"

Think Progress has a transcript of Frist's meltdown on the Senate floor.

Why is Frist - at the behest of the White House - doing these things?

The Frist-driven effort to have the filibuster of judges declared unconstitutional depends on its having never been used in the Senate before. Earlier there was the Republican filibuster of Abe Fortas in 1968. Now we see that Frist himself voted to filibuster a judicial nominee.

The Republican whining and moaning is pure hypocrisy directed at a general voting public which does not read history. This is an unconstitutional power-grab by the White House.

Karl Rove wants to pack the Supreme Court with ultra-conservatives who are given life-time appointments. This is a major element in his effort to create a two-generation or more conservative majority. In order to do this, Frist has to eliminate the power of the Senate to provide its constitutional duty of "Advice and Consent" on Presidential nominees for Judge and Ambassador. [See my earlier blog which explains what Alexander Hamilton thought was the constitutional relationship of the President and the Senate in the Presidential nominee - Senatorial Advice and Consent process.

The White House is conducting a power-grab, attempting to unconstitutionally centralize all government power in the White House. This is accompanied by their total secrecy so that the voters know nothing about how the decisions are made in government. These are things an American politician could only do during wartime, so that is why they initiated the unnecessary and unwinnable Iraq War, and why they will probably attack Iran next Summer.

Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Frist are committing treason, attacking the very constitution they swore to uphold. DeLay is also a traitor, and a crook besides. They are on a joint course to destroy America. If they lose, then membership in the Republican Party will be declared membership in a criminal organization, exactly as America declared membership in the Nazi SS after WW II.

We are watching the Republican commit treason.

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