Thursday, May 26, 2005

DA getting closer to Tom DeLay

Ronnie Earle, Travis County District Attorney, is one large step closer to indicting Tom DeLay for violating Texas campaign finance laws to buy a Republican Texas House of Representatives in 2002. Raw Story has the story.

The Treasurer of TRMPAC (Texans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee) was sued by several Texas Democrats who lost elections in 2002 to Republicans who received the illegal contributions. This was a civil trail without a jury. The Judge heard all evidence and made the decision.

The judge ruled that the treasurer of TRMPAC must return $200,000 in corporate campaign contributions because they were illegal. This sets Ronnie Earle up to take several of Tom DeLay's closest aides to criminal trial with a strong likelihood of conviction. The potential prison sentences are not short ones.

This also gives DA Earle the opportunity to deal with those already indicted DeLay aides to testify if Tom DeLay is indicted.

The Austin American Statesman has more of the story. The Associated Press has even more yet.

It's been a long time, but the real fun is just starting.

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