Friday, May 27, 2005

More on Tom DeLay and TRMPAC

What do reasonable people say about someone who

1. created a fundraising organization to provide funding to Republican candidates to take over the state legislature,
2. actively worked to raise funds for the organization,
3. let his name be used by the organization to raise funds
4. personally told people that the funds were to be used specifically to defeat Democrats.
5. was listed as an advisor to the organization.

Was That person involved in the organization?

Not according to Tom DeLay, whose actions I just described.

As the District Attorney, Ronnie Earle, criminally indicts DeLay's close associates for using TRMPAC to criminally apply corporate funds to influence Texas elections, and those close associates lose a civil suit heard by a super conservative Texas Judge under the same law, here is what Tom DeLay says: DeLay, asked by a reporter for CNN if the ruling had implications for him, responded: "Not for me. I'm not part of it."

Sounds a lot to me like a career criminal standing in court charged with a crime and telling the Judge "Not Guilty, Your Honor. I'm being framed."

I thought the Republicans were big on taking personal responsibility. Oh, sorry. I forgot. That only applies to a working class parent who can't afford medical care for his children, not to The Great Tom DeLay. My prediction is that he'll continue to bluster and blame "Liberals and Democrats who are out to get him." to the very end.

Go see Kos at Daily Kos for more on this. Also, go back to my recent blog on this.

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