Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Steve Gilliard identifies the biggest danger to America

Al Qaida is not the biggest danger to America.
North Korea and Iran are not the biggest dangers to America.
The Republican Party, George W. Bush, Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, and Dick Cheney are not the biggest threats to America (though they are close.)

James Dobson is the single most dangerous threat currently existing to America.

Here is what Steve Gilliard has to say about what threatens all of us:

"Ok folks, I know some of you are disappointed that the Dems made a deal, but you're missing the point.

"First, all the deal does is allow for a vote, not a guaranteed confirmation.

"Second, with 45 Senators, you can only do so much. Any deal is a good deal under those circumstances.

"But that's not why we won this.

"This stopped James Dobson.

"A lot of you are glossing over the point about how dangerous this man is to the Republic. He's a theocrat and a dominionist. He wants to deny basic religious rights to anyone who isn't a Christian,
[using his own sick view of who is a Christian] and the craven lust for power of Bill Frist has allowed this man unprecidented access to the levers of government.

"Anyone who has any question about what he has planned just need to google the words Air Force Academy and religion. There, a clique of fundamentalists insult Jews and openly tries to convert others. The AFA is spitting distance from Focus on the Family headquarters. And despite the evidence of this open religious bigotry, the fundies on the AFA staff fired the chaplain who complained, sending her off to Okinawa or some such place.

"Idiots like Janice Rogers Brown, if confirmed, will embarass themselves on the court with their insane rulings, kind of like the pathetic mess Clarence Thomas is.

"But if Jim Dobson can pick judges, the Handmaid's Tale comes a month closer. For those who don't remember, the Handmaid's Tail is a story about a future Christian America where women are severely repressed.
[See the book listed on the right side of my blog] When it was published and then the movie came out, it was seen as slightly ridiculous science fiction. It's not so silly now, because we have Senators who want an America just like that. [Look at the congressmen who tried to pass the law this week preventing women from serving in combat zones in the military. This isn't about protecting women. It is about not having to compete with the lesser beings they call women.]

"Dobson is the most dangerous man in America today. He has money, followers and access to the White House and Congress. And he is an absolute idiot.[Much like both Hitler and Mussolini were.] He understands nothing about America which is complex or subtle. 24 would confuse him, Desperate Housewives would be slander, Queer as Folk, gay propaganda. His vision of America would be foreign to most of us.

"So when I see that his handpuppet Frist is humiliated in public, forgive me if I don't care if the price is a couple of wingnut judges. Stopping Dobson is far more critical.

"Dobson and his allies spent millions to support Frist and his plan to end the filibuster. They had that near treasonous Just-Us Sunday, an event Frist should have kept clear of by miles and didn't. Even his own caucus was shocked that he participated in such an anti-democratic event.

"Forget the judges, even the SCOTUS, Dobson's plans go way beyond that. He doesn't want to just control judges. He wants to be the kingmaker of the GOP. He doesn't just want conservative judges and legislators, he wants dominionist judges and legislators. He wants to make his endorsement critical for election. It's that simple. He wants to be able to punish moderates and run slates of candidates loyal to him."

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