Monday, September 17, 2007

Global warming appears to be speeding up

Remember all those history classes when the teacher talked about the search for the Northwest Passage from Europe around North America to Asia? It is there, and it has been all along, but it was frozen over so that it couldn't be used.

Not, that is, until this year. This summer for the first time in recorded history Captains Drake and Hawkins could have traveled along the short cut from Europe to Asia through the Canadian Arctic.

The ice cover near the North Pole is steadily shrinking, and the rate of shrinkage appears to be speeding up. This summer's reduction in the ice cover has made the route navigable for the first time.

1 comment:

Richard said...


You have just demonstrated the logical fallacy of the false dilemma, also known as the fallacy of the excluded middle.

Assume that global warming is entirely natural with no human cause. It appears to still be occurring, and there are many places which will be devastated. With a population of over 150 million people living on alluvial plain, Bangladesh is going to have real problems with the rising sea levels.

Those problems and similar less extreme problems around the world will require a great deal of human intervention to survive.

So let's assume that the cause of global warming is half natural half human. Then we need to work on the human part, certainly.

There may be good aspects to global warming, but with the already existing over-population of Earth by humans (a human caused problem if there ever was one) then the good parts will be largely outweighed by the bad parts.