Friday, June 27, 2008

"Cowboy" Cornyn rides again

Let's look at the advertisement that Texas Senator John Cornyn has put out.

Most Senators really shouldn't play dress up, but I have seen no indication that Cornyn has enough good sense to recognize that. Goldwater had the face, head and history to get away with it, as did St. Ronnie. Cornyn doesn't. And while I liked Johnny Cash music, Johnny Cash was from a very different era. But then, so is Cornyn.

Apparently Cornyn's opponent, Rick Noriega, found Cornyn's ad as silly and tasteless as I did. Here's Rick's response.

While Cornyn's ad is silly and tasteless, it is also very very representative of John Cornyn as a Senator and as a person. Could "Texans for John Cornyn" be an attack group attacking John Cornyn? If so, it really worked.

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