Saturday, April 15, 2006

Why haven't the Generals spoken out before?

I have read a lot of complaints about the fact that the Generals have not spoken out against the war in Iraq before now. Frankly, I find it both amazing and frightening that they are speaking out publicly even now. This runs counter to American military tradition. One of the latest to speak out is Lt. Gen. Newbold in Time.

Maybe Gen. Newbold stayed silent until now because it is the essence of the American military tradition to let the civilians determine what wars to fight. The Generals present their arguments ~in private~ and then accept the decision from the civilians.

The American officer corps ~does not involve itself in politics!~ Doug MacArthur was an aberration, and was fired for it. Properly so.

It is another of the many failures of the Bush administration to weaken this excellent tradition. It is obvious that the Generals are speaking out with great reluctance because the military has been politically used and misused by the Bush administration. That it is only retired Generals speaking out is a compromise which ~may~ not be a serious violation of the tradition of the military staying out of politics.

Anyone who seriously thinks the Generals should have spoken out earlier better consider what they are asking for. How many countries have democracy only as long as their military forces allow it?

If you really think military interference in politics can't happen here, consider how many other things Bush et. al. have given us that no one thought could happen here. America under Bush is already following Argentina into financial ruin. Do we want the Generals to take over here too? Generals in politics is a step closer to that.

I do not write this to criticize the Generals for speaking out. It is time that they did so. I write this regretfully, because Bush and his crooked pals have destroyed another very important tradition that has protected American democracy for over two centuries. The Generals have had to speak out because of the failure of Bush and his gang to properly govern a democratic America. I write this to warn of what we have already lost.

Counterpunch has an excellent article on this subject.

Addendum. Why are the Generals speaking out right now? James Pinkerton suggests that they are afraid the H. R. McMaster may be writing another book and they want to get out and position themselves ahead of it.

I don't know, of course, but it is an interesting speculation.

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